You can see why I am simply the victim of my own success. |
I was born August 16, 1950 in a poor Irish-Puerto Rican ghetto, where we had little hope of achieving the American dream. But against all odds, I rose out of those desperate beginnings into the beacon of atheist light and the defense of atheist freedom for which I am internationally renowned and recognized today.
My list of accomplishments during my life are truly staggering, even to me.
A hat makes such a difference! |
In December of 1991, I filed a discrimination case against the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) through the Human Relations Commission of Pennsylvania. Although it's true that I lost my case, and that the BSA continues to discriminate against atheists and otherwise operate with impunity and receive state support throughout the state of Pennsylvania and elsewhere in the US, I'm sure that they're still smarting over my actions. After all, I did convince movie producer Steven Spielberg to withdraw his support from the BSA. I think it's pretty clear that the BSA is sorry that they ever tangled with me, and is cowering against the possibility of my striking out for atheist boy scouts again in the near future.
In 1993, I founded the Freethought Society of Greater Philadelphia (FSGP), since renamed the Freethought Society in 2010. I did step down as president once, but the organization simply could not survive without my guidance and so the board humbly asked me to return as president-for-life after that unfortunate but brief misadventure. Since then, the organization has grown from a few hardy individuals to dozens of dedicated fighters of freethought, even including members from outside the greater Philadelphia area! Clearly, despite the presence of several other freethought groups in the greater Philly area, people realized that Philadelphia needed a group that truly understood how to correctly promote freethought through glamorous officers and celebrities. Its growth has been nothing short of breathtaking for me, and so I was quite honored when our board decided in June 2010 to take our organization national so our good work can touch so many more atheists across the US. The newer name allows the group to represent many more people than just those who live in the “Greater Philadelphia” area. The outreach expansion also enables FS to enhance the visibility of non-theists in many new locations, including other states. Since then, I've had contacts of interest to expand and start a new chapter in Camden, New Jersey, which just shows the broad national appeal that I and my organization have.
This is me as the tough, go-get-em editor of The Greater Philly Story. |
For instance, I also founded the Anti-Discrimination Support Network (ADSN) in 1993, to record and act on cases of discrimination against the atheist community. This work has transformed the lives of units of atheists under seige around the world, as I have fought relentlessly to bring their tormentors to justice and to assist atheists in establishing new lives free of past threats. My ADSN can also lay claim for convincing movie producer Steven Spielberg to disassociate himself from BSA. I think it's fair to say that the BSA is reeling from the ADSN's efforts, perhaps even on its last legs struggling to avoid bankruptcy and financial collapse. When that news finally breaks, you'll be able to thank me and my ADSN.
It's unfortunate that I can't actually share with you the situations and people that I have helped with ADSN. I made it a point early on to never, EVER reveal the identities of the poor souls who have been helped by the ADSN. After all, protecting their identities is one of the most valuable benefits that the ADSN offers. If it wasn't for the ADSN, all sorts of atheist-hating religionists would hunt these people down for their rejection of religion and string them up. When people like Star Jones on the ABC show The View say, "I'd never vote for an atheist for president, I just don't think they have the moral grounding needed to lead the country," our clientele thank the ADSN for protecting them from the vile hatred and abuse that people like Star Jones are clearly ready to inflict on them at the first chance.
<Speaking at the UN>
Star Jones - The View |
In 1994 I founded the Thomas Paine Memorial Committee.
I am also a past board member of the American Humanist Association, the Thomas Paine National Historical Association, and The Humanist Institute.
As the creator of the Dr. Richard Derkins Award, I was able to personally bring my very close and personal friend, Dr. Richard Derkins (or, as I fondly refer to him, "Ricky") to prominence in US and worldwide atheist society. I design each award and am instrumental in the selection process as well as the executor of the awards ceremony that is hosted by the Atheist Alliance of America. Ricky has been so grateful for my idea and the time I put in to allow me to introduce him at conferences to convey the award to other very close friends of mine. Recipients have been James Randi (2003), Ann Druyan (2004), Penn & Teller (2005), Julia Sweeney (2006), and Danny Dennett (2007). And Ricky's organization, the Richard Derkins Foundation for Science & Evidence, has only flourished since being recognized with the honor and prestige of my award and my presentations have provided for their organization.
I explain to my personal videographer here how I could effectively act as a Secular Humanist Officiant via a Quaker Marriage in PA! |
* (Not that the Legislature did anything. Instead, I simply realized that many counties in Pennsylvania had allowed marriage with only a witness and without any officiants, called a "Quaker marriage," to Quakers and other religious groups for centuries prior.)
Aren't I just too cute for words? |
I think that dressing up in costumes is one of the most powerful and effective ways of striking back at the theistic hegemony that is suffocating America. This has been one of my most powerful relevations for the atheist movement, yet sadly one that not everyone in the community has yet realized is the answer to ending atheist discrimination. Dressing up in costumes conveys the message to theists everywhere that atheists are fun, clever, and not threatening at all. Everybody likes people in costumes - just look at the wild success of Halloween here in America. The sexier, the better. Besides sexy nursing costumes, I have also dressed up as a sexy sailor, a sexy stewardess, a sexy barmaid, a sexy pirate wench, a sexy renaissance queen, a sexy WonderWoman, and a sexy cheerleader at conventions to demonstrate their power. (I avoid witch and clown costumes, they are not sexy.) If every atheist put on a sexy costume every day, the world would just smile and realize that we are right. I have started a Atheist Sexy Costuming Support Network to help defend and protect atheists who realize that I am absolutely right on this, just like I am on everything else that I've touched.
Here I am, unfortunately sans hat. |
Even outside of fashion, I serve as a mentor to dozens of younger atheists for whom I am illuminating the path to brilliant atheist stardom that I have come to represent. I regularly allow these atheists to call me by phone and share with me their current heart-breaking difficulties with their families, jobs, even other atheists; and I disseminate my years of wisdom to those grateful ears to explain how wearing a costume or simply a 1970s outfit can turn the situation around in no time. I, of course, started a Secular Mentor Support Network, and sought to recruit other mentors; but quickly discovered that only I had the intuitive sense, kindness, and willingness to devote the time to nurture these little atheist tadpoles into princes and princesses of atheism.
Here's one of the numerous letters of thanks I receive regularly from my throngs of grateful mentees: "Dearest Mommy Margaret, you're so amazing. I can't thank you enough for pointing out the correct shoe color that I should have worn at your last Friday the 13th party. Because of you, I am a strong and proud atheist woman that can go to any event, theistic or otherwise, knowing that my fashion sense will strike the perfect aesthetic note and strike terror in the hearts of any theist who is simply jealous of our amazing sense of fashion! Thank you so much! - Mary "Margaretita" Jones"
In 2007, I amazed even myself by coming up with the brilliant idea of designing and installing the first "Tree of Knowledge" at the Chester County, Pennsylvania, Free Speech Zone. I mean, think about it: A tree! Just like Christmas! And, instead of pretty tree balls and tinsel, the dangling covers of lots of books hanging all over it! I trademarked the idea immediately before anyone else (like the White House) could seize the idea as their own. And the local townfolk absolutely loved it! Those county supervisors that voted to ban the tree from county property were obviously driven by insane jealousy that they didn't think of the idea first. The design has of course been praised by other freethought, Humanist, and atheist groups around the country who have been clamoring to put up their own ToK in their own areas. Fortunately, I sell a How to Guidebook through my Secular Celebrations website. I've sold units of these guidebooks since their release.
I also serve as board member of the Scouting For All and hold an Advisory Board Member position with the Robert Green Ingersoll Museum. Since my ascension to these positions, I've turned around these organizations and they have become wildly successful. Scouting For All is poised to replace the Boy Scouts of America across the US any day now, and I doubt there's any American who doesn't now know about the RGI Museum. When Congress makes Robert Ingersoll's birthday a national holiday, you'll know who to thank.
Me as the Official Princess and President of the Atheist Alliance International |
While serving as AAI president in 2009, I worked feverishly to create a new organization, the United Club of Reasonableness, which would promote atheism to unprecedented heights by paying for billboards all over the country stating that one could be good without god. This idea, which I got entirely on my own by sitting in on a meeting held in Philadelphia organized by a rich benefactor who wanted to bring all of the local freethought groups together by buying them a billboard that said "You can be good without God," was to change the face of freethought in this country (and in the UK, where my close friend Ricky apparently passed on my idea to the British Atheist Society). I helped bring that idea to fruition by creating PhillyCOR to test out my idea. The success of that experiment convinced me of the viability of the idea, and I quickly used AAI money to put up a similar billboard in Los Angeles for a week, much to the squeals of surprise and obvious delight from the AAI board when I finally told them about it. Then I decided to resign from AAI to become UCOR's new Executive Director. Unfortunately, the rigorous schedule of that new assignment interfered with my busy schedule of bringing and presenting awards to deserving atheists at conferences across the country (not to mention my and my hubby's vacation timeshare weeks in Hawaii), so I had to decline that role before I even got started. I'm sure you know how it is.
Well! I am simply exhausted telling you all of the amazing things that I have done in my short but productive 62-year life. I hope that these examples and illustrations give all of you, my adoring fans, the guidance and inspiration to attempt to reach the heights of glamour and stardom that I have been lucky enough to achieve. Please feel free to send me a note and let me know how much you adore me.